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Team Advisier, Leader

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:09 pm
by Mystic
<Sital> Ok you guys lack direction. I'll with hold the insults but you seem far to happy to sit down and do nothing at all. Your argument is "its better to do nothing than the wrong thing".. thats a load of rubbish. You guys need direction and to get that you need someone with insight and vision. No, thats not me.

I have two suggestions, find a leader for your team, its probably best if its not one of you, but if there is someone you can all unit behind thats great. If not search alittle further maybe you dont need a leader but guides, some very knowledgble individuals whos job it is to help and steer you.

Sekira and Foren are close ot this but they have mostly left you to your own devices only calling in on you when you where needed. You need someone whos going to guide you on your off time. Choose wisly.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:41 pm
by Leila Dark Jurai
I'll not lie, when I met her I thought Celst to be an air-headed deluded stuck-up bitch, with no purpose other than to be annoying. My opinion has changed somewhat. While I still think she is intolerably stuck-up at times, I have come to realize that she is also responsible, knows how to get things done, and is more trustworthy than SOME of our teammates. I won't lie, I don't like her attitude, but... well I think she's the best we've got right now.

I don't know. That girl can take things a bit far. Why, she once tried to use me as a simple laundry girl, ME a Princess of Dark Jurai! I'd rather have her leading us than Nuyara. But that's not saying much.

I don't know why you two don't like her that much. She seems nice enough to me, and she has a good aptitude and attitude for leadership from what I have seen. She is intelligent, noble, proud, and knows how to get a job done, if people will listen to her. She may not possess the avatar forms of the rest of us, but even without that, with her positive outlook, and her pride in herself, she serves as a fine example of just what one can be.