The Legend of Mathias

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The Legend of Mathias

Post by Mystic »

As requres these are the data files we possess on the great Mathias.


?Even we immortals are not immune to the power of myth.? Elder A?Drew. House Veritas.

Ah Mathias, what can be said of the best and brightest of us when our civilisation was at the height of its power?
In the early glorious days when we bestrode the spaces between the stars as giants, when we claimed ten thousand worlds as friends and allies, when the Elder Maugi still spoke to us and imparted their wisdom. When we searched the cosmos for interesting peoples and places and held worlds in trust for those who were to come. Amongst it all was Mathias, a distaff cousin of what was to become House Imperia, and Friend and Confidante of all the other Houses.

Mathias? titles and deeds are legion: Warrior unrivalled, diplomat unparalleled, superlative explorer, and Lover of the Goddess Aev?ilis to name a few, he is remembered for many things, and every house from Imperia down claims kinship with him and has benefited from his deeds.

Mathias led the exploration of the outer limits of our portal ability and through conversations, and arguments with the wisest among us lead his band of loyal companions across dimensional barriers and even through the mists of Time itself.

And then, Oh Greatest of Shames, we breached the dimensional shroud between our reality and the home world of the vile Saal. And then Death stalked amongst us.

To complicate things further those who had learned from Mathias how to navigate the mists of Time dared to travel to the Beginning, and that was the beginning of their end as world walkers. None alive amongst us today know what they witnessed there but from that point on the followers of Chaos; the Rift Walkers became a plague upon us. Many were the campaigns and raids that Mathias led against the Rift walkers and deep was his pain at having to battle his nephew who had become their leader.

The war with the Saal raged across multiple worlds as they gained first a foothold and then an empire of their own. The powers of their minds and ferocity of their minions was frightening to behold, and we had to yield territory to them. Yet even in these darkest of days Mathias offered us hope, for it was he that directed the efforts of those of his companions who would become the forbearers of Houses Arcana (magic), Technica (science), Veritas (art), Philosophia (philosophy), and Mentis (psionics), into the creation of the weapon of his devising, the weapon that would allow us to stand and fight: the Force Lance.

Mathias named the prototype ?Shining Hope?: the pinnacle of magic, psionics, and technology following the philosophies that allowed them to work in harmony, and crafted into a masterpiece of beauty and potential destruction.

He wielded Shining Hope and led the forces of what would become House Militia against the minions of the Saal and the carnage was such that they were forced to dispatch one of their best Saal generals to face him. We may never know why but the general agreed to personal combat, long and hard the battle raged and the power unleashed was such that those who observed were forced to shield themselves as best they could.
When the smoke cleared the grievously wounded general stood over the body of Mathias, a hush fell over the battlefield and lasted for a full minute before the general?s voice sounded in our minds
#Mathias fought hard and true as only a worthy opponent can, in memory of this duel we withdraw and yield this world to you#.
He then bent down, dipped his fingers in Mathias?s blood and traced a line down the middle of his face from forehead to chin with the blood.
True to the word of the Saal general the world that was the site of their duel was forever left untouched by them, and to become the first of our Ghost worlds.
All those who opposed our forces then withdrew; we reclaimed our dead and as we approached the site of the duel were astonished to discover that Shining Hope was nowhere to be found. We took Mathias?s body to lay in state until we could build him a tomb worthy of our greatest hero. However at the tombs completion the body of Mathias had disappeared, it was then that the true legend of Mathias began.

As The battle had raged between the Saal general and Mathias for the fate of the world on which they stood, at that critical junction the Rift walkers opened their portals and overran the defences around the Gateway Device, and used the Eye of the Wyrm to open multiple permanent portals from our home world to the Saaloise home world and the hordes of the Saal came streaming through. Our Beloved Queen, the Mother of Us All was slain in combat by the Champion of the Rift walkers, her words before she expired are said to have been ?To our children belongs the future, Mathias guide them well.?
And thus our civilisation fell to the powers of Darkness and Chaos.

After the fall of our home world and the scattering, the world upon which the Saal general and Mathias battled became a sanctuary for some of our people, a place to rest and preserve what we could. To honour the keeping of the general?s word we renamed the world Sanctuary.

Mathias was a Time as well as a Dimension walker at the height of his abilities, with all the best that our civilisation had to offer, perhaps, it is whispered he still had/has things to do and to this day there are unconfirmed reports of his appearance from time to time, the Truth remains a mystery.

Note: Mathias? weapon Shining Hope is unique, as it was the first Force Lance and created when the World Walkers were at their peak as both a people and a civilisation. As such it is more advanced in both construction and design than those that followed it. Shining Hope is more powerful in its innate capabilities as it was made using Elder Magui magic, World Walker psi at its prime and the best technology available, but perhaps its greatest facility is that all subsequent Force Lances are keyed to Shining Hope, this means that Mathias(or its current wielder) can draw upon any and all lesser Force Lances abilities. This means that with it one can use any advances in technology, psi phenomena, or magic that have been discovered and incorporated into the lesser Force Lances in the intervening millennia through Shining Hope.


Post by NOT CORY »

Well the first thing i have to say, is that i love the idea of a mystery/jesus type character, the body was never found, presumed dead but sorta resurrected in a way or at least the possibility for that styreotype.

Seems Quietly powerfull, not alot of ego which is sorta cool. He is fearless which is really awesome.

i am way confused about what his weapon actually is/does, but thats the only thing.

-Cory err not
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

The question I have is this. How many times has the end come? How many times has it come for Mathias? If he can walk time, consider this - all you have to do to travel into the future is travel really fast. Going into the past is substantially harder. Considering he knows how to go back into the fast, it's no stretch to assume he has seen the future.

What does this mean? Little from what we see. Inexplicable things may happen, but I doubt we'll meet him.

There are three possibilities.
One - before the battle he travelled into the future or past, and found a way to revive himself, did so, went back into battle, died, and was revived.

Two - He's dead and we're dealing with things he did BEFORE he died (to his point of view).

Three - Something else that we can't understand is happening with him. Mess with time and things get freaky.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

A bit of halloween trivia - Mathias was the king who let Vlad Dracula out of prison. He even let Vlad marry his cousin (or sister in some versions). Not the RP's Mathias, but the RL one.
Evil Monkey

Post by Evil Monkey »

Umm, thats not trivia, thats a nifty bit of information....dumbass
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