Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Moderator: Senshi Muyo

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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Mystic »

World: Slag
Changes to Race: The Black Oozes continue to excel and evolve as the Apex predator. They master the ability to flow and shape there mass, oozing solid objects through themselves and stretching there body to great lengths or summoning masses of tendrils. Not to mention a mastery of 360 degree awareness. The blue oozes learn to solidify there body into a rubbery like texture which they can resume or cancel at will. They use this to glide better on winds or to form falling spikes from the air. The red oozes gather in larger numbers within their valanic sancteries and begin to develope the first forms of true commincation and social structure. The language consists of a variety of bubbling and splicking noises as well as the use of tendril movements. There tolerence of heat grows as always.
Planet Changes: The ground hardens asborbing the great heat form bellow as the magma chambers grow throughout the planet. Earthquakes are likely common place at this point.
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