The Nethilis 100

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Leila Dark Jurai
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The Nethilis 100

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

The Nethilis 100 as I envision it is a 100-mile offroad desert race for when vehicles get done. I'd like your opinions/comments on this potential event.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

This sort of event would draw attention to our world, both on Techoren worlds and on Dark Jurai, by showing our world off to a large audience. This is hardly bad, as being noticed would accelerate the development of business. It could set the stage for this becoming a prestigious annual event, resulting in additonal income for us as we would hold full rights over what could become one of the most dangerous offroad races out there. It would also be good for businesses already on the world, as they were given an immense, if short term, boost in business. Lastly.... there's a very good chance that it could be VERY cool.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

Allright now some ideas.

To get it started up we could use pay for it the same way that all other major events pay for it - by using sponsors. In exchange for prominent advertising and a presence on site, they would provide money to actually run the race. In many instances, their on-site presence would include entertainment.

As for the race, it should be 1000, not 100, miles. There should be awards for multiple categories - bikes, hoverbikes, wheeled vehicles, hover vehicles, and overall. Start order would likely be bikes - wheeled vehicles - hoverbikes - hover vehicles, since the hover vehicles would likely have less of a problem.

The transport copters would be used to pick up drivers should (or rather, when) they become necessary. Vehicles would have to be retrieved by the teams that own them, or by our shuttles provided that service is purchased.

Depending on what Sarah comes up with vehicles, there may or may not be fuel along the route - in any case any refuel stations should be spaced far enough that fuel is an issue when dealing with this race.

A few rules I thought up...

Hover vehicles would be limited to a ground clearance similar to wheeled vehicles. This would prevent easy overflights of the course, and keep things competitive. Violations would result in instant disqualification.

Repairs on vehicles are not allowed, except for the replacement of filters and tires at checkpoints. If a vehicle cannot proceed without repairs, that vehicle is disqualified.

No mechanical means to free a stuck or otherwise immobilized vehicle outside of the vehicle's own power are allowed. Violations will result in disqualification.

Drivers are responsible for carrying enough water to survive. Water will be supplied at checkpoints as needed, but none will be delivered otherwise.
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Post by Mystic »

Interesting. Those races supproted by sponosers usually arnt profit run if i'm not mistkane. Still not an entirly bad idea.

I wont create a list of family vechiles, there would be far to many for just the simple point of stating "It goes fast and turns well, it goes slow and turns well" I may create Military Copters, Jets, Tanks and even a few varities of Jeeps, things usful in the rp, but not a bunch of normal cars (at least not many) Its safe to assume there are futuristic vairites of most stuff avaible today.

Limiting a Hoverbike to the same ground clearence of a bike is murder since a bike isnt that high off the ground at all, it'd most likly trash most hoverbikes. Besides how you ganna make sure they all stay at the legal hit over 1,000 miles of race.

I say let them repair. A car that still works but cant go over 50 might as well quit, i say let them repair. The 30min-1hour spent on the job is more than enough of a penalty.

Just a few of my opinons.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

The point is to keep them low, give them a height ceiling.

Hmm given the way we'd probably do it we wouldn't have restrictions on vehicle types, so repairs would be allowable. The reason I put that mainly is that it is intended to be an endurance race. If the car can't cut it, it don't belong there.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

Now an important question. Timing. We want to even out the start times of vehicles in separate categories so that they will all end up at the finish line at roughly the same time. This means the slowest type goes first, the fastest goes last, spaced so that they will all reach the finish line at roughly the same time so that the best vehicle of any category wins. Alternatively we could do it the reverse and eliminate the overall winner category. What do you all think?
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Post by Mystic »

I hopeyou start getting some posts on this soon. I think its got potential but its not worth oding if only one person supports it.
Leila Dark Jurai
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Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

Halya mentioned it to Nuyara, and Nuyara responded positively, so I think Dennis would be interested.


Post by Cory2 »

Totally, i'd love to do this.

Corsche is really excited about building a bike, im sure he'd love to race.

This is great.

they should be able to repair the vehicles.
And im not so sure about hieght clearance.. its going to be a desert race anyway not much to avoid by going up.

hovering into the air = loss of speed, or at least ground covered.

anyway, good idea.. hopefully it could draw people from different places. Maybe we could set up a casino, with bets on who'll win the race.

This will draw high stakes players from around the galaxie.

we could advertise it as a giant gambling orgy, or something.
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