The Great Alliance

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The Great Alliance

Post by Mystic »

Enlight of whats being done on Nethilius hereis a bunch of information on the great alliance to make life more interesting.

The Alliance:

The entity unknown as the allince consists as a colbartion of agreements between five of the universes known super powers. These five being, The Dark Jurai, The Techoren, the Jurai, the World Walkers and the Yaun Ti. So far these argeements have simply been to ensure peace among the five and allowed access to semi regular routes of trade.

It is worth noting that each of the five super powers holds dominon over large areas of space and thus many sub empires are considered members or parts of one of the super five. Below is an explantion of these races and there cohorts.

The Jurai:

Size: The Juraian empire is well established and covers many terroirtes in space. It is the second largest of the super five powers and boasts an impressivly large militry. Its rule has been mostly unqestion within its dominon for eons and so the race has been able to flourish and grow. Many worlds are considered part of the Juraian empire, often without there choosing, sometimes without there knowledge.

Military: While small skrimishes can, and do still occure, no militry action has tested the might of the entire Juraian army in over 200 years. As such questions have been raised as to the combat readyness of such a fleet. However unlike some other races the Jurai personally police the terrorities of there space, ensuring its welfare and safty.

Culture: The Juraian lifestyle is one of artistic perfection. Born to peaceful worlds with long lifespans, substandard work is unacceptable within the society. Many of the alliances greatest craftsmen exist within Juraian lands.

A reletivly open race, community togetherness is a strong part of the culture, with communal bathhouses serving popular spots of relaxation. While both genders are supposedly viewed equally the militry still mostly consistes of male soldiers with females encouraged to take less combative roles.

Respect is a major part of the culture, to ones elders, to the traditions, to nature and to the Emperor. Reiligous worship is strong, with most Juraian's paying heed to Tsunami, the goddess of heaven, yet even stronger is the beloved admiration the people pay to there Emperor, who is almost deifed in there society.

Sub Empire High Elves: It seems many of the high elven worlds that exist today are within Juraian space. Over the centuries it appears the high elves have been slowly coming together, various worlds electing councils of mages, the Archmage of each council convening to form a type of supreme council. To what end is unknown. So far the high elves have unquestioningly bowed to the sovienty of the jurai.

Military: Lacking galatic ships of any kind one could be forgiven for writing off the high elves as any form of military power. Though there numbers are scattered, on the ground, they are deadly. Possessed of a martial skill equal to the Jurai, equipped with deadly archers, and most inportantly, wielding devastating magics, even the more advanced races have been forced on occesiona to give pause to the fury of this race. To date the Jurai hold no interst in the militry of elves.

Culture: Despite the protection of the Jurai many elves are born to times of trouble and looming war. As a result many are a scholarly type often seeking greater magics or the developments of new fighting techinques, or prehaps the rediscovery of old.

Like the Jurai, the elves share a dedication in the perfection of there arts. However unlike the Jurai theres is born through nessacity, as the delicate magics they weild demand nothing less than absolute perfection, both in its casting and in the creation of magic items. As such high elves have little tolerence for foolish mistakes and this often makes them come off as arrgoent.

The high elves possess an affanity with nature, and so long as this is respected they are free spirited and open minded. They share the cultural openness of Jurai, but quickly become shy and secretive in the pressence of outsiders. Unlike the Jurai the elves believe in true quaility, with males and females filling pretty much the same tasks and duties within society.

Sub Empire Hane: The Hane are dying race. Almost all the ones that remain are within the Juraian systems because of the protection the Jurai allowed them against the murderous forces of the legion. Still hunted there are no Hane worlds, only secret floating city/fortress's hidden on backwater worlds.

Military: The mistake many make is that the Hane are without defense. They possess specks of lost elder maugi knowledge, allowing there flying cities and rumored weapons of war. They understand the secrets of crafting magical Kyojins warmachines, and there wars wield the destructive powers of wind and lighting.

Culture: Since the death of the Hane goddess to the Lord of Slaughter Asrifel, the Hane have been mercilessly hunted. There civilzation collasped into anarchy and chaos as the remaining leadership bickered about the right course of action, now each city exists as an indepdent state, concerned only with its own survival.

All Hane are concerned with there races civil and what tomorrow might bring, even under the protection of Jurai there enemy sometimes finds them, and only some of the time do the Jurai arrive in time.

As such the Hane are naturaly secretive, keeping much to themselves. They have avoided the poltics of the alliance to date, as much for there own protection as it is out of disinterest. But there is one thing all Hane can agree on. The burning hated of the God Asrifel.

The Dark Jurai:

Size: Unlike there sister race, the Dark Jurai do not hold many worlds. Until some 200 years ago, with the signing of the Juraian peace treaty, they only held a few outposts on a scattering of worlds. Since then the race has undergone an expanonist boom, despite the many wars heaped upon it. Now the DJ hold cities and fortress's on the various worlds and systems surronding its inner cluster. Still, compartive to the empires actuall power, this sphere of control is quiet small

Military: The might of the Dark Jurai has been tested through countless wars. Trained from childhood to be warriors, and forged in the fires of generations of warfare the Dark Jurai are force to be reckoned with. Almost all there soldiers are highly experieced and some of the most well trained in all of the alliance. Marital specialists the Dark Jurai excel in close quarter combat.

Culture: The Dark Jurai culture is one of Honor, respect, and desciplane. It is also one of female domiance. Males still hold the same rights, and indeed an emperor rules, but the militry consists primarly of woman and the society reflects that.

Religous worship has find its way into this society, respect paid admirably to its warrior god Emperor Anoron, and the Goddess's Mystic and Sanura. Interstingly enough the races primary Goddess Dark Tsunami, the lady of Fate, recives few prayers, but is often invoked in common lipservice.

Like the Jurai, the Dark Jurai are culturaly open race, enjoying arts and various music's. More Tolerant of the ways of others they understand the natural order of life and try to keep with it. The quickest way to insult a DJ is to insult his honor.

Sub Empires, The Netomi: The original worlds of the Netomi where long lost to the murderous hordes of the demonic Decourus, and it was only through the course of this war that the Netomi encountered and allied with the Dark Jurai. With the war over the Netomi settled first on Dark Juraian, then later founded several of their own.

Military: The Netomi are an odd combination of monk like desciplane, and advanced militry hardware. They possess exceeindly powerful laser and gravitional weaponry amongest there arsneal, coupled with lighitng reflex's and mentally condationed minds. The Netomi, as a race, has choosen to act the role of galatic police for the Dark Jurai, a role that, to date, they have done exceedingly well.

Culture: Originaly slaves of the Decourus empire, The Netomi broke free under the guidence of their now mythlogical first Grand Master, who showed them the way to fight without weapons. The way of the Monk is still strong within Netomi society, despite all the new weapons and sciences they now have. As such desiplane and structure play strong parts in there lives.

The Netomi still feel a burning will for freedom, and a deep morale urge to right injustices, it is for this reason that most all Netomi serv within the galatic police, bringing order and harmony back to the universe. Yet a few Netomi choose not to follow the path, these few are not looked down upon, for it was often ones such as these who gifted the race for new technology for generations to come.

Sub Empire, Shikana Brood Aseru: The shikana of the hivemind Aseru appear different to all others of there kind, they possess a keen will to evolve beyond the limitions of simple instincts. They allied themselves with the Dark Jurai against there own kind, and as such earnt a place within the Empire. The shikana of this brood now holds several hive worlds within Dark Juraian space.

Military: The power of this brood is questionable. The shikana, or some of them, have evolved human like appearence and even possess cities of human-like nature. For all that large creatures still serv the hive worlds, and many of the more bizare forms may possess abilites as of yet unknown. One thing is known, Aseru has several Kashikana under her control, Dark Juraian/Shikana hybrids, warriors of devastating prowess.

Culture: The ways of the shikana are hard to understand at the best of times. Many such creatures of this race are simply servants to other more powerful members, and the Brood of Aseru is no expection. However, Aseru it seems has created a strand of Shikana, for reasons unknown, that appear for the most part, free of will.

These human-like Shikana go about there lives expanding the hives and helping the race flourish. Aseru also makes use of them in dealing with other races of the alliance as they appear less intimdating and scarey. However many of these shikana do not understand the ways of societys and often become flustered and haplessly confused.
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Post by Mystic »

The Techoren:

Size: The Techoren Federation is unquestionly the largest empire in all of the alliance. There sphere of control cross's countless systems and litteraly hundreds of worlds. So great is there reach that they can barly maintain its grasp, countless infighting, insurrections, invasions, terroist activites and politcal curruption leaves the Techoren struggling to maintain its hold on its so many worlds.

Military: The Techoren militry is huge, equipped with some of the most devastating weapons in the alliance, and supported by many of the greatest manfuctory plants ever seen. The skill of its soldiers is in question however, and it is often more through share weight in numbers that the Techoren has held its vast boarders for so long.

Culture: Money and power are the two greatest facets of Techoren society. Those without wealth desire it, and those with it seek power to accompany it. Curruption and criminal activity are strong in areas not heavily policed.

Still, despite its flaws, many Techorens are zealot paitrots of the Federation. Egerly enlisting and going to war to defend the ideals of there beloved society. Those the risk is great, those who make it out alive are often seen as heros to its people, and thus war is another way to power.

Techoren are amazingly enough, generaly friendly people, with low morales and an unjudgemental attitude. The exact opinons of the people vary greatly, one willing to sell his own mother for a quick buck, the other an honorable hero willing to die for the greater good. Religion means little to the Techoren, for each man is the master of his own destiny.

Sub Empires, Dark Elves: Hundreds of races exist within Techoren space, so it is surprsing to discover that the race they best bonded with was one of tech hating, envirmentalist, magic using creatures. Yet the Dark Elves have inpressed the larger empire, and been allowed to somewhat flourish. Its hard to say how many worlds they possess as there cities are located far beneath the surface, but most dark elf worlds house only small communities.

Military: The might of the dark elf militry has been tested by the Techoren on many occesions. though they possess no spacecraft of there own, the subterran nature of there cities makes them almost all but immune to orbitual bombardment. They are masters of illuasionry magic, and their enchanted blades are of infamous renown. In the darkness they are stalking death, but in the light of day they are as suspectable to all the vast weapons of war as anyone else.

Culture: Death, murder, betrayl, revenge. These are the ways of the Dark elves. War is no stranger to them, living in a society where ones possessions is detrimed by if one is strong enough to take it. War with the Techoren was inevitable and they have battled on countless worlds, yet it is for these reasons that the Techoren have formed a grudging respect for there "simplier" neighbors. It is not uncommon for Techorens to employ the mercenary serves of these creatures.

Dark Elf society is divided into clans, with the most powerful one having domination of the city (if there is one). While rare, there are a few powerful clans that exist on multiple worlds, how they commucate, if they even do, is not known. Some suspect it involes the priesthood of Aev'ilius.

Proud, suspious, and ruthless, Dark Elves are delicate creatures to deal with and can easily be offended. Dark Elves like a power structure, they tend to be passive and at least somewhat agreeable if they feel others are stronger than themselves, but are blunt, rude and aggressive, if not out right voilent, if they believe themselves the superior.

Sub Empire, Feral Elves: For the longest time the Techoren believed the Feral Elves and Dark Elves where the same race entirly. Eventualy they learned the differences in the hardest of ways. Possessive of wonderous druidic powers, and abhuman psychial prowess they proved a simplistic, yet dangerous advisery, one the Techoren often came into contenation with. With more important things to contend with now, the Feral elves have been left alone. They now inhabit a reasonble number of the Techorens unindustrailed worlds.

Military: Despite a natural feroicty and power, this races military is questionable. With no starships of there own and very limited ranged weaponry they tend to make easy pickings in ranged combat. Yet for those who stray to close they have unnaturaly gifted strength and agility, strong druidic magics that turn the forces of nature against their enemies, and impressively great healing magics. All this makes for a surprisingly diffcult enemy to stamp out.

Culture: The life of a Feral Elf is never easy. Constant warfare and tradgy of ages past has driven these elves to live within some of the most hostial area's imaginable. Traitorus swamps, thick jungles, to freezing mountain tops and valcanic crators. It is a hard life with little luxury, that
makes for a hard people.

Feral Elves live within tribes, looking up to a singal tribal leader, often an elder, while spending there time learning the ways of natures spirit magic, and struggling to survive. Strangly enough all Feral Elves believes believe there race has lost "something", though they can not agree on what, and so the many tribes often find themselves searching outwards, looking for something they arnt even sure what.

In meeting, Feral Elves are simple spoken and easily understandable beings. They state there mind, indeed there feelings and that is that. Presuading and neoigating with them can prove to be a much more tricker thing indeed.
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Post by Mystic »

World Walkers:

Size: The empire of the elder remeberus, aka the world walkers, is older than any other existing kingdom of the great alliance. Despite its history, its strength has long since faded and no known location of its worlds is recorded to the other races. The location the World Walkers reported upon the creation of the great alliance was a farse and has raised suppession agaisnt them. The size of the World Walkers, while suspect as small, is entirly unknown.

Military: It is questionable if the World Walkers even have a militry sinces its unknown if they possess any worlds of there own. No World Walker spacecraft or vechile has knowningly been seen and it is assumed they have none. Still with rare expection all encountered world walkers have been of expectional skill and equipped with items taken from countless races. If they have an army, who know the limits of its arsenal.

Culture: World walkers are beings of extreme curisitidy, with a desire to learn and collect. Most walkers are unique in there areas of interest but many share common fields and almost all report in there findings to some sort of grand library, which has been refference in passing conversations.

It is believed that world walker society is split into "houses" the exact number is unknown but there appears to be five domiant ones. These houses represent common forms of interest and so various walkers with similar topics of desire gather together in these groups to further there knowledge.

Walker personilites run the gambit of attitudes, but many are master diplomates and capable of blending in with surrunding culture exceedingly well. The biggest problem with meeting a world walker is knowing that you meet one in the first place.

Sub Empires, Cetra: Sometime ago the Cetra empire was consumed by a devastating catacylusim. Though victorious against an unknown evil, the cost of victory strike a fatal blow to a once glorious kingdom. The Cetra were shattered, numbers reduced feebly low, their worlds lost to them. The world walkers embraced this dying race, sharing some of there homes with them.

Military: The Cetra fiield no militry units, for they do not exist as an organised empire, only as individuals. Still, this is prehaps fortunate, for despite any human like similarties the Cetra are possessed of supernatural might. Vastly stronger than any normal being, coupled with natural regenative and energy manipulative powers, the Cetra are a force to be reckoned with.

Culture: Much of the Cetras cultures, knowledge and technology has become lost to them since the collapse. Devoid of any leaders or center of power there is nothing to guide or focus the interests of this race. It is also apparent that while many do share the "worlds" of there elder benefiactors, they are not aloud to take part in that society.

Free spirited and with a lacking sense of home, many Cetra take to the stars, living amongest other races in attempts to find there own place of belonging. For most it is a lonly life, surrounded by others different to themselves they seldom succeded in acceptence.

Cetra are enagetic and easily excitable. They love action and adventure, anything that breakes from the normal pace of day to day society. It is not surprisingly that they hold a reliash for combat with there natural efficenty, and it is well advised a Cetra can be easily angered and is prone to voilent outbursts when done so.
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Post by Mystic »

The Yaun-Ti:

Size: The exact size of the Yaun-Ti empire is hard to define. Its expense was once quiet large, existing in an area of space almost untouched by many races since the fall of the Saalise empire. However a most recent brutal civil war tore much of the Yaun-Ti's empire apart, entire worlds where lost, and of the survivers some still refuse to accept the victors as there new leaders.

Military: The Yaun Ti once blostered an inpressivly large and powerful militry, one that was preparing to invade Dark Jurai space. The invasion died in its beginning stages as a combined force of Dark Juraian and Techoren fleets meet the enemy incursion head on, it was at this very stage that the rebel Yaun-Ti attacked sparking its civil war. Much of the Yaun Ti fleet was destroyed in the following battles.

Culture: A powerful psychic race the Yaun Ti seem to function as a collective. Multiple minds bond together and join with more minds to form world collectives. More scarey is the deific worship they held for there leaders. While compartivly weak for gods, the Yaun Ti race seems to bolster several of them as living members of its society. Much of the civil conflicts is caused by the differing views of the various deities and it pays for one to know which god a collective follos beofre beignning diplomacy.

Most Yaun-Ti believe in the greater good of there collective, selling there lives freely for the benefeit of all. Its interesting to note that this belife becomes less occuring as one climbs the ladder of social leadership. The Yaun-Ti's lastest passion has become spacial exploration, having lived so long without daring to live there own sphere of space the Yuan-Ti now charge into the stars with open arms.

Psychialy powerful and capable of mind bonding with one another the Yaun-Ti struggle to understand those "lesser" races that lack the benefeit of psychic awareness. Cold blooded repetaiin creatures they hold a great paitence, though can also hold a grudge. An insulted Yaun-Ti expects a person to simply be aware of there mistake, when steps are not taken to applogise the Yaun-Ti will often begin a vindictive and cunning form of revenge.
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